Interreg Greece-Albania: “Best Project Engagement” Award
We are thrilled to announce that the “Digital Skills for Citizens” event, in the context of the Interreg CBC IPA Greece-Albania Programme, held in Corfu
We are thrilled to announce that the “Digital Skills for Citizens” event, in the context of the Interreg CBC IPA Greece-Albania Programme, held in Corfu
Interreg Slam contest is open to all Interreg Projects and Programmes! The theme of the Slam campaign is defined as “Stories of Inclusion and Empowerment”,
The 9th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) takes place in Šibenik, Croatia, on 15 – 16 May 2024.
In the framework of the 2nd Call for proposals for regular and small scale projects of the “Interreg Black Sea Basin 2021-2027” Programme, an Info-Day
The 5th Call for Proposals that targets exclusively Thematic Strategic Territorial projects of “Interreg Euro-MED 2021-2027“,
Τhe 1st Call for Project Proposals of about €103.6 million in EU funding has been posted on the Interreg NEXT MED Programme website.
Τhe 2nd Call for Proposals for Regular and Small scale Projects of the transnational Programme Interreg Next Black Sea Basin 2021-2027 was published.
The Interreg NEXT MED Program invites (potential) beneficiaries to submit their proposal, in the context of the 1st Call for Project Proposals.
In the framework of “Interreg Euro-MED 2021 – 2027”, a Call for Expression of Interest has been published for Staff Recruitment
In the framework of the interregional Programme “Interreg Europe 2021-2027”, the 3rd Call for Project Proposals was published.