Learners can gain important knowledge from the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) which aims to provide information on cohesion policy in the European Union and contributes to the general understanding of European affairs.
More specifically, it provides you with key knowledge regarding the basics of the history and the institutions of the EU as well as about the important historical events that took place (module 2 and 3). It also offers knowledge about the EU cohesion policy (module 4), the concept in Political Science and its Relevance for Societies Within the EU (module 5), the Role of Media in the EU (module 6), the value sources’ information based on reliability and the interpretation of the relevant information and its value (module 7), the EU reporting on Economic Issues (module 8), the research of EU Cohesion Policy Issues (module 9), Getting the Facts Right in Cohesion Policy (module 10), etch. The MOOC was launched officially on 19 October 2024 by project partners (educational institutions) and the European Commission.
For those interested in exploring the relevant material, it is available via the website “cope-journalism.eu”.