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Interreg Euro-MED: Closure of the 4th Call for Thematic Project Proposals

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The submission process of the 4th Call for the Interreg Euro-MED 2021-2027 has been finalised.  167 proposals were submitted to the programme’s MA/JS, with a total budget of 333.930.623,81€, approximately 7.5 times higher than the approved budget of the 4th call, which was 44.000.000€.  In total, 1411 potential beneficiaries are participating in the proposals!

Greece obtained the 2nd place (*Graph 1) out of the 14 participating countries in the programme, in terms of the number of participants per country in this Call, reflecting a high level of interest and investment in the Programme. Specifically, 39 entities from Greece have selected the coordinating role of Lead Partner (*Graph 2) and an additional 186 potential partners intend to contribute from Greece actively.

Looking ahead, the assessment of the proposals, which is set to be carried out in one stage, is estimated to be completed within February 2025.


* Graph 1
* Graph 2



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